Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Remember that diary that Gail and I are keeping on Skippy. Well, this afternoon I sat and talked with my sons psychiatrist. After going over all kinds of odd behaviors/ actions and verbalizations, she informed me that in her opinion, what we are dealing with is that he has Aspergers Syndrome.

My head is spinning.....

Gail is telling me that everything will be fine, that we will get through this. And I know she is right. I don't know what I would do without her, she is my rock. If it wasn't for her I would be in a corner sobbing.

I have two nephews with Austism Spectrum Disorders, so we have my brothers and sisters knowledge and experience dealing with any issues built right into the family.

It's just very overwhelming at the moment.

I know, it's been too long...

Wow, it has been awhile. Things have been going fast and it feels like the merry-go-round just keeps going. Okay so a quick summary of things since I last posted in May. (forgive me if I miss a few things here and there….)

• Married my beautiful, smart, witty, and multi-talented better half at the end of May in a beautiful outdoor ceremony. The weather was perfect and everything went beautifully with the exception of my running out of the house and forgetting the baskets for the flower girls. Crisis was averted when we had them walk down holding the flowers for the mothers.
• Finally got gutters put up on the house
• Got a dog, Princess, who really needs some obedience training.
• Gail and I are still trying to set up a house with 3 teenage boys (and yes I have been told to be thankful we don’t have 3 teenage girls! )
• Took the family to see Blue Man Group. Thank goodness for free tickets as I wouldn’t have paid over $350 for the 5 of us to see it. It’s good…just not $350 worth of good.
• Gail and I threw an open house for family and friends to celebrate our marriage. We had about 60 people show up and somewhere in there someone brought a nice rain shower that messed up our plans ever so slightly. Good thing the house is big enough!
• The boys started school….all 3 in high school….
• Our oldest had the back window of his car broken when someone decided to throw a rock (more like a mini-boulder) through it. The next day the window on the rear door decided to shatter when he was just opening the door…..
• Gail and I are keeping a diary of things that we are noticing with our middle son as I have my concerns that he may have an undiagnosed Autistic disorder. (Having 2 nephews with forms of Autism lends itself to my concerns)
• Gail and I attended open house at the high school. 2 Parents, 3 Boys with 3 schedules….you do the math, something has to get missed…

Okay I think that pretty much about covers the high points. Sorry if I have forgotten anything. As I said, things are always happening and our heads are always spinning!

Gail and I try to put together to-do lists and try as we may something always seems to jump out in front of us and keep us from getting done everything we wanted to. As they say, that’s life. Sometimes things just happen.

Now if I could figure out a way to put 12 more hours in each day, put my hands on $4,000, speed up the harvests, solve global warming……you get the idea.
